By: Rebecca Rondone
Owner of Pura Vida Yoga
& Physical Training
Stress in the right amount can be helpful and motivating. However too much stress over a long period of time can cause serious behavioral, emotional, and health problems. It can affect your career, your relationships, and your overall well-being.
Just like God created us all authentically, we all have a different way of dealing with stress. It is key to better understand your own stress and to have practical tools, guidelines, and tips for developing and maintaining a healthy level of stress in your life.
Below are (7) stress management techniques. There will always be different strategies that best suit your lifestyle and the stress or problems you identify. It is important to set aside at least 15 minutes each day to do management methods.
It is key to keep track of your physical and psychological states while you use these management techniques and coping skills. You can learn a lot about your self by tracking.
Technique 1
Diaphragmatic breathing is a slow rhythmic pattern of breathing that produces a general feeling of calm. It is a simple technique that involves breathing in through the nose slowly and deeply, and breathing out through the mouth, again, slowly and easily. This can often help with anxiety and excess tension.
Technique 2
Yoga is a series of postures or stretches that are held for several seconds to several minutes. When paired with slow, deep breathing, the stretches induce the feeling of relaxation. The aim of yoga is to achieve mental, physical, and spiritual health. There is also a philosophy and lifestyle associated with true yoga practice.
Technique 3
Guided imagery is a cognitive mental approach that involves focusing on developing a calming image, or series of images, that form a relaxing seen in the mind. guided imagery or visualization makes use of your natural ability to create pleasant images in your mind and weave them into peaceful and relaxing scenes resulting in a feeling of comfort.
Technique 4
Meditation is a form of relaxation that helps train the mind to focus and concentrate on a word, phrase, or number while ignoring distracting thoughts. Meditation is a simple yet effective technique for her to do Singa relax feeling that helps counteract stress. It helps to adopt a passive, non-judge mental attitude.
Technique 5
Rational thinking is a systematic approach to learning how to recognize and change upsetting thoughts and beliefs that give rise to negative feelings such as anxiety, anger, depression, fear and guilt. Rational-emotive behavior therapy is based on the idea that your emotions largely stem from how you interpret events. Your thoughts, attitude, beliefs, and self-talk can strongly influence your reaction to different situations. While you may not always be able to control how people behave toward you or the event that occurs around you, you can control the view you have of them.
Technique 6
Progressive muscle relaxation is a method where relaxation is produced through the systematic tightening and releasing of major muscle groups throughout the body. Tension often results in muscles feeling tight and stiff. Prolonged tension may result in spasms and pain. Various types of head, back, and neck aches are often caused or made worse by tension. A progressive series of isometric exercises popularly known as progressive muscle relaxation training can be useful in a number of ways.
Technique 7
Lifestyle management is crucial in developing and maintaining positive and healthy habits, such as regular exercise, sensible eating, and getting enough sleep. This also includes in eliminating unhealthy behaviors. The choices you make in your daily life can have a major effect on increasing or decreasing your risk of stress related problems in the future.
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