My family has served this country for a total of 133 years. My father served 21years, I served 25 years, my brother served 16 years, my sister served 10 years, another sister has served 8 years, my husband served 22 years, my son served 13 years and my daughter in-law served 18 years. A very proud family.
I was destined to be a soldier. I was born at West Point Military Academy. I wanted to be a soldier since 6th grade. I joined the Army at 17 during my senior year of high school. I told the recruiter I want a job that most females didn’t do, I enlisted as a Special Electronic Device Repairer (search lights, mine detectors, night vision googles).
I graduated my training and went to Germany where I changed jobs and became a tank turret mechanic on the first M-1 tanks in Europe. I completed my first enlistment at the Department of Engineering at West Point. In 1987 I changed my MOS and became a Utilities Equipment Repairer (HVAC). I developed training and an MOS identifier for a Combat Medical Laundry and Bath unit.
I was stationed in Germany, Ft Campbell, Ft Lee, Ft Lewis, Ft Wainwright, Camp Kyle Korea, and Aberdeen Proving Grounds. While serving, I held positions as shop foreman for 201 Military Intelligence Battalion Motor Pool, an Equal opportunity representatives and platoon sgt for a 6th Infantry Division 46th support BN, Ground support platoon.
I continuously went to college while serving and graduated with a associates in fine arts, from St Martin’s college. I retired in 2006 worked as a contractor for General Dynamics, and eventually decided to become an art teacher. I attended Towson University in Maryland from 2007-2011 graduating Cum Laude with 2 Bachelor of Science degrees one in Art Education with a concentration in Art History and the other in English Creative writing.
I worked as an art teacher in the Cecil county public school system. I resigned and currently teach at the local colleges in the area. I teach private lessons and design jewelry under the name Huntress Treasures. I became a yoga teacher in December of 2017. I have a certificate in yoga for PTSD/trauma. I teach yoga at Pura Vida Yoga & Physical Training Studio. I also volunteer to teach yoga at the Vet Centers in Elkton and Aberdeen. Yoga and art have been my tools to transitioning from a battle-ready warrior to a peaceful warrior.